Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fulsol to the rescue! Again...

Fulsol Degreaser is Fuller Brush's best selling cleaning product.  It really should be called "Cleaner/Degreaser" because it does so much more than degreasing.

Below is a picture of a stain on my carpet from some something, I'm not sure who spilled what.  I only know it was dry and set when I found it.

So before shampooing the carpet I got out my bottle of Fulsol Spray (mixed 3/4oz Fulsol added to water to make 1 quart of spray cleaner) and sprayed the stain.  I then used a brush to scrub the area and get the Fulsol into the carpet fibers.  

I let it set and work while I got the carpet shampooer ready to go.  

Here is the same area after shampooing:

Every home should have a bottle of Fulsol handy!  As a hint, Fulsol comes in a gallon jug, if you want a smaller bottle (once you start using it you'll wish you had bought the gallon) you can buy a quart of "The Original Degreaser" under the Stanley Home Products label.

You can find them both in the Kitchen products area on my Fuller Brush Factory Direct page.