Some time back I wrote about a few thoughts on "Zero Waste Living". I said then, and I still maintain, that absolute zero waste is impossible. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to lessen the amount of waste we put into the waste stream.
One area I've tried to cut back my waste is in shaving. No, I'm not growing a beard. (Side note, I look good with a beard but my employer frowns on them). So how did I cut back? I went old school. Not old, old school (as in a straight razor) but old school. First, I ditched the 3 blade disposable razors I was using. I instead switched to a Double Edge Razor. It took a few shaves to get the hang of it again, but I had started shaving with a double edge razor so it wasn't all that difficult. The biggest thing is to remember not to press down, let the weight of the razor do the work, and to go a little slower than when using the disposable razors.
I also ditched the cans of shaving creme for a brush and shaving soap. I'm amazed at how long the soap is lasting. To be honest, I almost wish it would go a little quicker as I'd like to try other shaving soaps.
So what has this gained? Instead of throwing away a disposable razor every week, I am instead throwing away one razor blade. Instead of throwing away a can of shaving creme about every 4 - 6 weeks, I throw a small cardboard box and a small amount of plastic into the recycle bin. The razor blades are saved in an old vitamin bottle, when it gets full these will be taken to the local hospital to be included with their recyclable bio-medical waste. I was told that was the responsible thing to do with the used blades.
One other gain is $$$. Yes, the good old greenbacks. The best price I could find on the disposables was about $1.25 each, if I caught them on special. So I was spending about $65/year on disposable razors. I bought my Double Edge Razor and a 105 razor blade sampler for about $67. I'm not quite getting a whole week out of all the blades. Some I do, some I don't. Since the razor also came with 10 blades, that gives me 115 blades to go through. I figure I'll get at least a year and a half, maybe almost two years. At that point, another sampler should get me through a similar time frame, for 1/2 the cost of a years supply of disposables.
So in addition to lowering the waste thrown into landfills, I am saving money by going "old school" with a double edge razor.
Little steps, little steps. :-)
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